Evolution of my startup idea

The initial premise

Around March 2024, I toyed with the idea of building an AI coach for tennis. Why tennis of all sports. Why not golf or badminton or other racket sports.I don’t have an answer to this. I found tennis to be a far more technical sport than badminton or ping pong. Also it felt way harder to learn than any other sport I have played. So I thought I will build out an app that will be a very basic version of a coach. I did some basic market research and found out that there was a play here. Based on the total number of tennis players and enthusiasts this seemed like a 10-100M$ idea at the very least.


So what should the MVP accomplish. It should be able to view the player like a coach does and offer corrections to the shot. So here are the basic requirements for the phone MVP

  • Record the play using the phone cameras.
  • Get audio feedback.
  • Ensure that the app doesn’t drain the phone battery in an hour or so.

MVP first iteration

  • Recording the video was quite straightforward. After a couple of iterations I figured the phone is best positioned facing the player’s back.

  • Audio feedback - This became the crux of the app. What feedback to give ? At this time I was also looking at adjacent apps like SwingVision, SevenSix etc and trying to figure out why they have been unable to scale. I looked at the reddit forums for r/10s and found that most users of SwingVision used it purely for recording purposes and almost never used any other feature.

    Two things came quite clear

    • There is no point just recording your game and extracting the highlights - SwingVision does this.
    • Players need real feedback. WHat am I doing wrong and how to correct. Most of the r/10s questions are around this. They post a video and ask for form correction.

Pose identification

  • There are models that already identify poses so I set out using one of these yolov8. In hindsight I should have just used Google mediapipe. The reason I didn’t go for mediapipe is that the way they layered the poses on the videoPreview layer, it was not possible to record those frames. So while you’d get a live preview you wont have a recording unless you did something like screen recording on the phone.
  • I finetuned a yolov8 model to run on the iPhone as I didn’t want to waste GPU resources on the server. All good. I could even overlay the poses and record them.

Pose correction

This is a prediction problem. So now I need to figure out when a player takes a shot, what are the mistakes in the poses. One of the ways of doing this

  • Find a similar shot from a pro through video search in a small sample size. Not web search.
  • Extract that shot video from the large game video.
  • OVerlay the pose angles on this target video.
  • Compare the shot frame by frame with the player (source) shot video.
  • Measure the angle deltas right from the first split step till the ball makes contact with the racket and the swing is completed.

Each of these is a large problem statement on their own.

  • Video search is no joke, even in a small sample size.
  • Finding the racket ball contact point - again though simple needs resources for fine tuning object detection and tracking. Given that these shots are so fast, it’s almost impossible to train a model to predict the contact point. I tried a few iterations but the accuracy was miserable.

So I parked this idea and went back to customer discovery. It became apparent that there is a simpler use case in gyms.

Pivot 1

Compound exercises such as squats, deadlifts, kettlebell swings need to be done in a proper form

  • A to avoid injuries
  • B to get the most benefit from the movement.

So this became a straightforward pose detection and rule application for correction as the rules are quite simple. Measure the key angles

  • Hip hinge.
  • Knee angle.

Identify the one perfect angle required for each exercise and visually indicate the angle on the workout video frame.

I built this app and released a beta.

Customer discovery v/s customer usage

No takers, very luke warm response. Why would someone who cared so much about form correction not install and use this app. At least give it a try. My beta stats

  • 10 users, average 1-2 sessions per user. No growth despite posting on channels such as buildspace

Analysing the poor uptick

So why is this ? Turns out, not many people like to keep their phones in front of them or by their side during workouts. I myself wouldn’t do it after 10 workouts or so. So the phone placement is a major friction point and almost no one overcame this friction consistently. Also not many fitness enthusiasts cared about form correction all the time. It was good once they identified their form and then they are set.

What fitness enthusiasts really need ?

As evidenced by workout apps such as Tonal and Tempo, those who workout need recommendations and a change in their routine often. It is very hard to do the same workout consistently for months. Even though, statistically you are better off just doing the same workout consistently instead of switching routines.

Next steps

So where does that leave me. Here are my current thoughts.

  • Despite all these apps, nearly 75% of adults don’t workout consistently. I am yet to find data for 4-5 year time period. Per CDC only 24% of the adults meet their fitness criteria which is about 20 minutes of moderate exercise every day or 150 mins per week.

  • So there is a need for an application that can help people to maintain this workout routine for years. These apps are clearly not cutting it.

  • There has to be a free app that is ad supported to make this work at scale. And it should have no friction points of video or camera placement etc.

  • The answer is perhaps in sensors and video generation using sensor data. People still need videos to show off, but they don’t need the hassles of recording, placing the phone at some specific angle etc.

My new pitch

workout just wearing an apple watch and get a summary video to post on social media.

Written on July 19, 2024